Live Feed
Watch Live Video - Click the Channel (field name) you wish to watch under the Live Video menu. Use the video player controls top right to expand the video to full screen or get hot keys. You can rewind the "live" scrollbar to review past 1 hour of current stream (useful to replay highlights). Use the arrow keys to go back 10, 30, 60 seconds and try the slo-mo feature as well. Note: Scoreboard overlay is always current time (if you rewind the "live" scrollbar) so it may not match up if you are not at the most current part of the "live" feed.
Watch Video Replay - Click the "Video Replay" link in the top right to open the side drawer and select the date from the calendar. Use the time scrollbar to find your game. Replays begin with 7:00am content each day, so you can figure the scrollbar time-stamps from there to get to your game based on how many hours after 7:00am the game was played. Note: Replays are available beginning the next day.
Create a Clip (save highlights) - When viewing replays, click the "Create A Video Clip" link below the video screen. Click "Begin Time" to start clip and "End Time" to finish. Then click "Preview" link to preview the video. Click green "Save clip to YourGameCam" and follow prompts to save the highlight clip to your YourGameCam account. If first time, follow prompts to create a free YourGameCam account where you can save your clips. You can then download the clips after saving to the YGC cloud.
Important: Business sponsorship (lower left clickable ads) are available within the video streaming player (seen during live and replay videos). Please email simiyouthsponsorhip@gmail.com for sponsorship details to help support SYB and keep this great video service free to all viewers!
Technical glitch? - Email support@yourgamecam.com directly with technical questions.
Recommend YourGameCam - Email sales@yourgamecam.com to recommend a field or facility.

Please contact your division Field Director for field availability
Pony Field Director:
Josh Carter jjcar@sbcglobal.net
Bronco Field Director:
Chase Munoz chasemunozsyb@gmail.com
Mustang Field Director:
Marty Stueve martystuevesyb@gmail.com
Pinto Field Director:
Brandon Palomarez BP@scpisimi.com
Shetland Field Director:
Jeremy Webberley webberleyj@gmail.com
Knolls Field Director:
Tom Myhrvold t.myhrvold11@gmail.com
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